Empowering Women Survivors of Domestic Violence, PLN Together with BenihBaik and BWCC Provide Training

  • Nov 04, 2022

“It's really spoiled, I was never said that when I was speaking up about a domestic violence case that happened to me, even though I was very shaken at that time,” Indah, a survivor of domestic violence, shared her experience.

Indah may be one of the thousands or even millions of people in this world who experience domestic violence, and Indah is one of the survivors. Out there, there are still many who are in the circle of domestic violence but have never had a safe space to speak up.

Domestic violence is still one of the biggest issues that must be addressed in Indonesia. Based on Komnas Perempuan data for 2021, out of 2527 cases reported, 70% occurred to wives. Unbalanced relationship factors between husband and wife and economic factors are the main causes of domestic violence. Worse, apart from being victims of domestic violence, the victims also often receive scorn from the public when they speak up.

This prompted PLN, in collaboration with BenihBaik and the Bali Women Crisis Center (BWCC) to hold an empowerment program for victims of domestic violence this morning (4/11/22), located at Kubu Bali WCC, Penatahan, Penebel, Tabanan, Bali. There were as many as 300 women who attended, and they were given capital, entrepreneurial skills training, incense-making training, to paralegal training for victim assistance.

The training provided have specific objectives to protect victims, such as financial skills training to reduce household economic inequality to skills training to become self-sufficient such as making handicraft bags. However, this training is also not limited to victims of domestic violence, but also to the disabled community.

The message conveyed in this event is for women to have the courage to report violence when it befalls them, or when we see cases of domestic violence being experienced by other people and those closest to us. They reminded them to be able to speak up freely, without fear of being judged because there are many who are ready to help and protect them. So, if you are one of the victims, or someone who is a witness in a domestic violence case, don't be afraid to speak up!

Source: https://www.indozone.id/life/WYsBmQp/berdayakan-perempuan-penyintas-kdrt-pln-bersama-benihbaik-dan-bwcc-berikan-pelatihan/read-all