LBH Bali WCC Trains Women on the Paralegal Concept

  • Dec 03, 2022

Badung (ANTARA) - Main Director of the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Bali Women Crisis Center (WCC) Ni Nengah Budawati introduced women to the concept of paralegal through basic level training.

“This is a training that we initiate to recruit paralegal candidates, where the content is more on an introduction to the concept of paralegals, what knowledge they must have, and what is the code of ethics,” said Budawati in Badung Regency, Saturday.

Budawati explained, at the basic level, more paralegal candidates would be invited to build self-awareness about the importance of studying law even though they did not have this background, while at the next level, they would study moot justice and further material.

“Here we discuss the paralegal concept, about traditional, religious and cultural views regarding women in Bali, about assistance mechanisms, about gender inequality, about community-based assistance, about human rights advocacy and policies, and about fulfilling victims' rights,” said the Director of LBH Bali WCC.

At the Badung Regency Government Headquarters, Budawati said that a paralegal himself is a legal assistant who is not a lawyer, civil servant, or has a legal background, but wants to learn so that his knowledge can be useful at the grassroots level.

“Yes, we invite (to become paralegals) because in terms of the cases faced in Bali and then looking at the number of our personnel at lawyers, the only way is to take action to recruit these paralegals,” he said.

According to this Balinese lawyer, the issue of gender injustice is something that must be understood, then build awareness not to do something wrong and have the courage to speak out to be pioneers and reporters.

Departing from there, LBH Bali WCC invited Island of the Gods women who consisted of various professions and were over 18 years old to attend training, and the hope was that they could become extensions and agents of change in their respective areas.

Apart from the training in collaboration with Benih Baik and PLN this time, Budawati admits that she has succeeded in giving birth to nearly 500 paralegals in Bali, while on this occasion she invited 200 people from four regencies/cities in Bali, where currently there are only 100 people.
