Program for Expansion of Access to Justice and Legal Assistance for Communities and Victims of Violence

  • Feb 21, 2023

This program is an activity carried out by the Bali Women Crisis Center (LBH BWCC) with full funding support from The Fund for Global Human Rights from the United Kingdom under the Legal Empowerment Fund (LEF) funding program or the Legal Empowerment Fund. The program was officially implemented from January 2023 to December 2024 and aims to increase access to legal services for the community and victims of violence in Bali by increasing the number of paralegals and establishing paralegal posts at the grassroots level.

Within two years of program implementation, LBH BWCC specifically carried out two main activities as program outputs, namely recruiting and training 60 paralegals and establishing two paralegal posts spread across two districts.

A series of other supporting activities for the program include inclusive campaign activities to amplify the importance of the role of paralegals, the importance of reporting cases of violence, as well as access to consultations and services or legal assistance available for survivors of violence and the community.